
“Bringing the deep self back to the racecourse: Rethinking accountability and the deep self,” 2024, Analytic Philosophy

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Things I’ve been working on

A paper on valuing (major revisions)

I argue for a special kind of valuing, which I call thick valuing, that constitutes and expresses what we are as practical agents, whether what is thickly valued is ice cream sandwiches, or the Free Software movement.

A paper on responsibility for one’s self

I advance distinct sufficiency and necessity claims regarding what it is for one to be responsible for one’s Deep Self.

A paper on aspiration

I offer a hierarchical model of personal policy for the aspiration that I believe is crucial to responsibility, on which a personal policy is a higher order intention that governs one’s motivation, and helps fulfill one’s valuings.

A paper on compartmentalization and responsibility

I address the problem of compartmentalization which arises in the deep self view of moral responsibility, drawing upon resources from discussions of the unity of virtue in virtue ethics.

A paper on fictional cinematic narrators

I offer a new argument for the claim that narration in fictional films entails the existence of fictional cinematic narrators that are neither the actual filmmakers, the implied filmmakers, nor narration itself.

Things I’ll be working on real soon

A paper on being cool

A paper on narration and responsibility

A paper on whether fictional cinematic narrators can suck

A paper on authenticity and narration in queer cinema


Your Self is Deeper Than You Think: A Deep Self View of Moral Responsibility

I defend a novel deep self view of moral responsibility in which an agent’s deep self plays an essential role. I argue that an agent acts freely and is morally responsible for what she does in the accountability sense only if she has a deep self for which she is responsible. To be responsible for her deep self, she must have a history where she was afforded the unimpeded opportunity to develop and exercise the ability to perform what I call aspirational self-shaping. Standard deep self views in the literature say something much stronger. They contend that an agent acts freely and responsibly for what she does if and only if her actions or omissions issue from, and so express, her deep self. By offering a necessary condition for accountability drawing upon resources concerning responsibility for the deep self, my view escapes the counterexamples that familiar views face, while retaining the core of deep self views. Indeed, an agent may be blameworthy for her wrongdoing without it issuing from, and so expressing, her deep self. And yet, I argue that she must have a deep self for which she is responsible to be blameworthy for her wrongdoing. This is achieved by paying closer attention to the historical dimension of the deep self than have other deep self proponents.